T.E.A.D. FAQ's

  • Do you offer scholarships?

    YES! We offer scholarships on a student need base. Scholarships are offered through the generous donations of anonymous supporters, so scholarships may not be available for every course. Check back often and if a scholarship is available for a session it will show up automatically. You can apply simply by clicking the link.

  • Does T.E.A.D. offer refunds on courses?

    Yes. Please read our refund policy in the Terms and Conditions section of the website. You may request a refund prior to the beginning of the course, but once the course begins, we will no longer be able to offer refunds.Email us directly with questions regarding refunds or extenuating circumstances.

  • Is the T.E.A.D. coursework similar to a college course?

    Yes! The T.E.A.D. courses are designed to be specialized and intensive. You will get the same, if not more information you would have gotten through an official college or university course.

  • Are the instructor(s) current professionals in the Entertainment Industry?

    Absolutely! We are excited to have the most up-to-date instruction offered anywhere. Our instructor(s) and guest speakers are relevant and current. Most of them are constantly working on projects throughout the industry which offers the students access to current ideas.

  • Does T.E.A.D. offer networking with industry professionals?

    YES! That is the whole reason for T.E.A.D.'s existence, to provide amazing and current networking possibilities to students and young professionals just starting out in their careers.

  • Does T.E.A.D. offer certification?


  • Are T.E.A.D. students vetted for possible industry work?

    Yes. Through Essential Up!, the students who successfully finish the coursework will have the opportunity to have their brands available to industry professionals who may be looking for vetted Art Department help on a project. Direct access for employers to student bios and information so that students have a better opportunity at getting selected for a project.

  • How often are T.E.A.D. courses offered?

    Because of the intensive nature of the coursework and the direct, live interaction with the instructor(s), the courses typically run for (4) week sessions. We will offer the courses as often as our schedules allow us. Available courses will show up in the All Courses tab.

  • Can you pre-order course?

    Yes! All of our courses will offer a pre-order time period before the session starts.

Didn't find what you were looking for?

Couldn't find what you were looking for here? Email us directly and we will get back to you as fast as humanly possible! We pride ourselves on being able to answer as many questions as possible and if we don't have the answer, WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU!